The Mobility vs. Immobility Paradox as Demonstrated Through the Commodification of Reproduction and Commercial Surrogacy
Commercial surrogacy is a divisive issue which has strong arguments on both sides. A helpful lens to analyze the topic through is the mobility vs. immobility paradox, which outlines the ways in which commercial surrogacy can be simultaneously liberating and exploitative for women. For the mobilityargument, working as a surrogate can provide women with significant compensation, leading to upward mobility. On the other hand, the immobility argument points to the violation of bodily autonomy that surrogacy creates, as well as the potential for economic coercion. This paper examines both sides of this paradox by studying the case of India. Ultimately, a comprehensive solution must reshape the societal problems that push women to feel like offering their bodies for surrogacy is the only path out of poverty.

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